On the swift currents we are riding. Upon greater surfs never seen we are motioning. Where are we going but towards the future we have been planning. We did not know we knew already, that we would be here at the moment when we are at an abrupt moment in such silent urgency recall is on the verge of happening. We are looking towards something, a milestone of memory we had placed at a distance some time ago, when we were more certain, when our heart was still and beating, our breath so leisurely and at zen that we for some time together thought of a tomorrow further away and we made something like a vow to reach this milestone, together.
There hasn't been a moment of rest since this time so long ago, only a few days ago, no, more than two decades ago we thought of something together. It was to move forward regardless of how certain we could be about what future lies ahead. It was to make the gains necessary to pull each other on board and lock into some indefinite but real agreement to forge ahead. In our actions independent and mutual we were certain in our being US together - that nothing shall stop our way for the future is ours and will never not be our own.
Tomorrow will always come tomorrow, and today shall always stay today until the setting of the sun and the rise of twilight. There seemed to be no path ahead, no reality already forecasted that we knew certain to be each other's. But we knew more than they did, whoever and whoever not they were who could be that ultimate invisible nonexistent fear that shall never appear in our soul. We knew enough to push back against the unreal and the fantastic because we had something better, and so, we knew better.
I have never thought I had what it takes, we secretly told ourselves, and yet when necessity calls, why not me. Why should it not be US who triumph when our reality has been better and truer than our forefathers could have imagined. So what if our houses look boring and cookie cutter to those who just arrived? I had never said one house with a fence was what I stood for. It is a way of life built of a dream that realizes the house we call country. The Future is the perpetuation of the house because this country is my forever home.
To return to those moments when the milestone was placed. What were we dreaming of? We can still remember, how? We remember in the memory of our body and our soul and our work and our family. It was with each moment we forged forward when so much was so seeming illusory and fragile that together we held forth the future to be one of definite and real actuality. Like a destination it was placed, forward into time such that we stood then knowing we will stand now. Nothing can bar us from uplifting this house we call country; nothing shall stop our way in placing another milestone.
To the future! The urgency will not now be settled to win some petty war or conflict. The necessity now calling is asking us to dream our tomorrow house and its people. Who came here searching for peace, order, and most of all Freedom, if not all, everyone and every last one of us? Who can reach forward with courage and call the bird of Freedom to soar - let he or she who sees each and everyone around him or her stand forth and shout in quiet and civil manner, say Who are you, and why are you here? Come meet me tomorrow, let us resolve our differences. That is what Necesiity is calling us to do today, to talk and to realize that we need not conflict from the outside to find once more the reality of our common dream of Freedom, our shared house of country, our reality of family and God and all our friends whose friendship could extend to You, to You, to You, to You and to You.
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