Tuesday, March 22, 2022

We are One

 To step upon a place and find a break.  Give me a break, they always seem to used to say.  I could take a break, you said yesterday.  It is a realization that could constitute what we are looking for.  To say, bring into reality something good, something real, something that has all our support.  Not a personality, not a new consumer good like a new pop though that would be good, but something Great that we can all rejoice in.  Give us something new to believe in, to work for, to talk about.  It really cannot be just anything anymore, but something worth living for.

Whereupon the surf is a break is where the currents are in harmony with each other so as to make a motion we can all ride upon.  We are no small creatures, we are the greatest - of Rationality, of Good, of Love, of Soul.  Realizing this of ourselves is but the first, middle, and last step of every breath we take. This must be so.  To realize all of one's potential seems ridiculous, ludicrous, even cautiously, highly dangerous.  But why not realize something that is uniquely me, and you realize something uniquely you, so that he too, and she too, and so we all gather together in noting what is better and what belongs to tomorrow to our sons and daughters and grandchildren and the great and the great great and the great great greats.

Returning to ourselves, we move forward in all honesty and earnestly.  Stepping back, we gaze forward and not prejudge the momentous interaction as already done, not perceive the future as already made, not know beforehand that it was already over.  It was not made, we must always recall, and then when it was, by those before us, we had already forgotten how for we did not make it ourselves.  That is the land the house that was made for us.

If one step on the front porch was broken, and then another step, and then a chip away from the side fence, and then yet something else or that or this then that then that and this, what to do - really, just sit on the now broken too rocking chair and gaze and lament the sunset is not so bright as it used to be?  Or step up, and fix that first step, so that another step could be taken, so that Pete could water the now half dried out bushes, or Dan could paint the room for his son, or Chelsea finally redo that compost and rescue the drying rose, or what needs to be done? We must ask ourselves, what do we do for the house of tomorrow - it shall not build itself.

No more waiting, the day starts tomorrow morning when I will list the things that need get done, for urgency now takes the guise of Necessity and calls me to mend my own little house and look after my patch of property that is deeded by the way.  There may not have been some grand sense of possession for I am free, but I shall wait no more.  If I wait another moment, even the raven shall call and then who will do the work while I read Poe's poetry.

No heart shall remain broken where the heroism of All stands.  No anger shall step over the kind pebbles and grasses and flowers - we are not only a united people we have gone beyond the realm of the possible in the land of the turtle to produce such a house as the United States.  How many minds had toiled to produce the constitution.  Do we recall it was not one nor ten nor ten thousand but all the millions that journeyed by boats that vomited out the sea and scared away that devout sea monster lying awake wondering what little boat should pass today?  It was no small boat by the way but the grandest cruiseliner that ever sailed that carried us over the unforgiving ocean beneath the infinite skies.

We are here.  We are stronger.  We must stand up to the heavenly heights foreseen by our forefathers and our foremothers.  We must own up to knowing the break when we see it and see the storm for what it is, something small and local, nothing that matches up to the sea monster, and that sea monster shall not match us.  We are true and we have actualized Leviathan that holds strong and will grow and will muster the minds of a million to generate the Order we seek, for our hearts stand true and strong and our minds and hands are ready.

We are no small creatures, we must remember, and what is more, the house was not built for nobody, and therefore we are not nobody.  I am One, you are One, he is One, she is One - together, we are won.

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