Sunday, March 20, 2022


 The action in the act to proceed beyond one's reach is as though upon a beach of sand so loose you could barely stand your ground.  The blue so azure up upon the surfs so soft as to be indistinct below the bright deep skies draws the path of two seagulls.  The tranquility in sanctuary returns our troubles to the loose sands crumbling below our feet and draws us upwards towards the sky where the invisible eagle lends supervision in his silent flight with measure and rhythm so constant as to be heard from afar as a jet engine's roar.  By measures of increments so fine is his path we must pause to reflect on the situation of our bodies and minds on the ground reeling with the rotation of this green earth that finds us so big and mighty as to forget the quick elegance of forever flight.

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  "leap" That strenuous is like a variable in an equation. The bar to hop over is   too great, sometimes that is true yet without ...