If trade's outcome were a paradise it is an eden of infinite variety of colorful things. Each shelf is lined with plastic and metal and glass and wooden and bronze and black and green beautiful things. I can remember a stack of comic books told of mysterious forces and heroic figures drawn from the real playground. I remember a fiery car in subdued charcoal about to swallow the road. I recall a stock full of boxes encasing thin residue highly processed wood pulp. I recall a counter with a squadron of metallic vessels and glass encasements. I recollect a showcase of slim and angular faucets that never dripped a single drop. I recollect a glasscase of encasements of electronic circuits and handlers with remote buttons and controls. I remember a crystal lattice filled with H2O where little bubbles and beta fish swam and contemplate, awaiting matches that shall never come. I recall a virtual surface on which series of erudite volumes on esoteric subjects spell bewilderment for the beginner's mind. I recollect perspectival lines that house sequences of plastic bottles containing complex chemical equations, each tailored to the local customs. I remember the wall of symbols and signs made of twisting neon tubes and fine wood panels with engravings that mark the local sensibilities of property. I see infinite lots where automobile vehicles sleep and slumber, glistening in the afternoon sun. I gazed into a chamber of glass droplets in chandeliers and forgotten lamps. I moved through the cooling stockpiles of modules of fine ale. I sense refinement and culture in between the glass encasings slim and tall smelling like a twilit evening. I pass through the warehouse floor gazing vacantly at the ceiling amongst the fluctuating colors of youth t-shirts. I wind through departments and departments that smell like the sensuality of a thousand models at a hundred boutique shoots. I fuzzily meander across the halls where hidden in virtual darkness are the moving pictures filled with plot and color. I mozy through the ancient hall where the unusual and antique are laid out on wooden fold-out tables. I marvel at a wall of units displaying pairs of gold, silver, and diamond earrings. I, I, I think I have walked amongst the myriad signaling the billion star'red sky.
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Resolution of Conflict
The dilemma like the paradox gives pause that lasts more than a moment. The problem usually appears to be looming large and the moment for decision seems to require instantaneous decision that overwhelms the irresolvability typical of the dilemma. The threat is enlargement of an earlier smaller problem, therein lies the reason that containment occurs early to be an ongoing action. Til when? Indefinitely - containment and definition are ongoing until some objective of a solution or resolution appear on the horizon.
In negotiating a difficult or dire scenario, usually advancement must be gradual upon the desire of reaching the compromise that promises to resolve the appearance and actuality of escalation and worsening, initially, to be followed with more defined motion towards a peaceful outcome. As ideal as such an approach is, no prescience of the precise sequence of events is guaranteed.
Stability of a situation is no stasis; stasis is as a plateau while movement does not define whether a situation is standing. The standing situation implies the parties remain engaged but no remarkable change to the situation is occurring. The stable situation is plateau-like in that the sense of ultimate peaceful resolution remains in sight for all parties. Such is my definition. A worsening situation requires that the objective of compromise be returned to the horizon.
The dilemma - there are many possibilities or at least more than one which could be an option, whether solely or as one amongst others to be adopted.
To push ahead upon a dilemma, tendrils of each probable possibility should be extended and at numbers as determined beforehand depending on the likelihood of success. What outcome sought for each possibility could be projected so that evaluations were possible in parallel and comparatively.
We are not at conflict, we must ultimately discover. There was no precedent that is equivalent, we must premise. What situation stands we must determine, but not before reaching forward with the projective and inductive hand of positive suggestions, communication and ingenuity.
I think it is likely that much of what was said here is known by many and already attempted, many to success and some not so much. In courage we must proceed into the future - the future has always been uncertain and unknown, therein lies the glory the past as recalled by us the future generations today. Only upon the shoulders of giants, whether remembered by name or not, could we advance on level footing on terrains we have never known for ourselves. Recollect, I urge each of you, nothing has ever died in darkness, memory itself is light. The recollection of our best has not been of our strong suit of late, understandably, but when matters call we must answer with valiance and yield to the truths in our minds and hearts.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Vision For The New World
Returning upon a messenger with a parcel of letters and sculpture was the recollection that sparked the momentous grasp of the news of boats that sailed and found new lands. A new world! It was an inkling that sparkled and twinkled at instants within the mind's eye of many good men and some silent knowing women. The news of sailors and explorers returning had spread slowly through these lands, not yet known to be old, but the messenger had traversed not over oceans but through time to this present moment, now today seems drawn out over the span of time told by the tower's clock, by years or eons or a single instant.
So the news did spread, and along with bewilderment and awe, came quietly on descending wings the recollection of the ancient dream of the perfect untouchable societies and the long wrought dream for the perfection of the human. Being with excitement of the soul and arousal of the mind, discussion rose on a crescendo. Lit upon logic and sensibility the search for beauty and rationality recommences. To see life in a flower's petal, to see vectors along the horizon's edge, the elegance of revolutions of planets, the city's ideal form - what subjects were never titled but bloom in the smoke and haze of coffee salons and whispered along the finer particles in the wind of precursors to avenues.
The thought to travel was not yet for the means on horses and carriages were not yet and then were later. In the air was the woke that sensed another day was rising with tomorrow's dawn, and yesterday's pages began to yellow though the inks stood strong to endure. More searches! No destination of objective could be said to have been known, although a common future was suddenly in the air. No incitements, the higher mind did call, but by increments should we discover through gradual finds and make something fine but this time for each ourselves.
In each new day the inkling returns with more vigor and strengthening grew by drops like dew on a cool hopeful morn. For each chance to reflect laid within each day's grasp, and soon, the thought of this slowly synchronized, towards such future as streets built of gold and silver for they are of our own make for our own utility even if they be cobblestone or something stricter. The perspectival lines shall find home in the new lands, a grid shall be true from being possible, letters shall write without seals in blood, and true good shall come to every parent and child who wished so deeply in their heart to become free. In liberty, one day shall cry: but for this moment, it was not yet.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Presencing: Information Age
If the information appears as a sea, you need a boat, a yacht, or a ship. What is a seacraft in the sea of information if not the complex of logic and tools acquired and assembled gradually and incrementally in the mind and in the tool and instrument of the computer. At sea, ere the use of a compass and a compass, one first learns heading and speed. There is the wind, the surf, what weather, what sailors one sails with. One learns to think and move, and steer and right. There is seaboard and port, there are storm clouds and calm seas.
Why information appears as a sea is its abundance at the click of a mouse, at the turn of a remote, at the tap of a finger. Not all of it is relevant; in fact, only a bit of the sea seems interesting and worthwhile. The question is why, and the question is how. How to catch the opportunity of encounter so that when it appears to one's eyes, one's attention captures the moment so the mind can enjoy the text, the video, the picture, the news, the very information. Without the capture of the moment, the data sits, inert and meaningless, waiting for the opportunity to be known and transformed that never came at all.
But what is relevant lies in the question why. Curiosity never killed anybody despite cats' superstitions of it. The curiosity came from the depths as interest rises from the deeps onto the wayward consciousness. It could be an ad that showed a rocket that reminded one of the trips to the park to set off a model rocket with dad. It could be a snippet in the opinion column that reminded one of how better to care after the herbs in the backyard that dried out over the winter. A color of someone's jacket that reminded one of the color of mom's cake's topping, or a painting in the doctor's office waiting room that spells a feeling of dread at the traffic jam on the highway last week following a wreck.
Information is data transformed by consciousness. Consciousness of the book club, or consciousness of the school board, or consciousness of one's private own soul that one dares not share with anybody. The news is full of data meant to be transformed into common information - so it is that we are sharing in common worlds and realities. Even the traffic light conveys information, but nobody expects a sailor to notice every last bird's cry and the shape of every last surf.
Wonder, the beginning of great information.
Regarding The Recovery_
-learn from the best:
Sunday, February 20, 2022
-Notes On Re-securing Local Economies
The distribution of wealth has always been unequal. However, wealth in currency and reserve had always been of various forms. There arises the question of what had been held in potential. Whether the time is appropriate to realize a part of one's potential, to convert reserve into currency, is a question resting on forecasts of one's future.
The augmentative possibilities - to add to one's reserve, to one's principle - these are under question for they are within one's powers. The capacity to learn, for instance, can account for admission into a new job or even new industry. The currency in this case is information and skill. To rise to a challenge, remember it is within our capacity to develop to a higher potential - therein lies the greatness of being human.
Trade is fundamental to the redistribution of wealth, but it is not the sole means through which wealth is created; in fact, it is minor. The generation of the novel, the useful, the artful, the lovely, the delightful, and so on, are at the basis in the creation of wealth in material worlds. Monetary currency is a denomination, a way in which trading of goods and financing for common futures become viable practically.
To retain relations so for stabilization of one's wealth is often conventional; however, when mobility lies in the means, selectivity of relations become critical. Encounters must meet selection so that only select relations are enacted and at the right time for mutual benefit. So it is true for the individual, so too for international relations.
Actions dependent on habitual transactions become converted into like numerical values advancing little augmentative powers to one's own economy. Advancement of one's country in the world must have qualitative outcomes whether actions are of short or long durations. Accumulation of monetary currency without conversion power to real world effect is limited in potential. What remains possible with capital cannot in any case be undermined.
Enactment of capital is based upon information, accrued and in the making - this was previously called "intel". Capital is used to finance efforts and endeavors with promise, in bettering one's country, the environment, the world in general, or something or someone more specifically.
Where destabilization has occurred within the lands of our own country, the news to take in for a scenario must remain positive. To take account and secure one's own and one's family's position so that the concern becomes outward bound is the task. Upon self-reliance then can a battle be had - against doubt, against fear, against all the urgent necessity.
Victory lies not in the defeat of the other enemy, but in the persuasion that peace is better. For in peace we shall prosper and all together see our children grow. We shall become better and stronger, together.
This is the Future. This is the future I see and this is the future we must believe in.
Capacity lies in each and every - only doubt nor fear will not defeat our victories held on for so many centuries. In heritage is retained the centuries fought for peace and liberty, for the rights to live and breath and prosper, but together, whether in trade, in economy, or in all the ways of being.
Everything begins with me - say this to yourselves tonight. For we are Strong.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Advancing Beyond Currency
re: what is meant by stronger borders...
The decades of non-equivalency in trade in context of societies and citizens where we move towards our ideals is not in any way sustainable. Our dreams are important, but trade must be fair. What we make, here and in foreign lands, are in actuality, and they must find return, this not exclusive to financial currency.
We contribute talent in how to make: we contribute quality ideas. Equivalency is too an ideal, this we must bear in mind, but all parties must find fair return.
The current situation with technology is that export is cheap, but the base materials extremely expensive.
What representation is possible for the re-source of innovative talent?
Advancement takes public relations, it's true, but it also takes currency.
For the world is not all free, across the world are needs we cannot fill: advancement must be measured and built upon a full account and restoration of one's own country's principle including capital for growth to become positive and not merely augmentative.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Presence: Information Age
The era of insularity of information due to distant location is over, we hope.
What differences are possible now amongst ourselves in our own lands in the era of information. No longer confined to the seventy-channel television and three or four news networks, we are free to collect our own feeds and lines of news, of groundbreaking work in arts, sciences, philanthropy, environment, technology - all from the very edge of the world we make. From one sphere of human activity we have reached out and found other spheres, equally intriguing if different from our own; meanwhile, our own sphere has expanded and multiplied. Through the dream of discovery, we have too found each other.
For the fruits and products from other lands, we are blessed and should be thankful. Our own industry will remain strong, we must first believe, to find the strength in ourselves to reach within and draw from our experiences and intelligence that inspiration.
To reach forward in time takes courage in deed. It takes thought, careful thought, and strength of character to make all attempts necessary. Through the act new grounds are discovered. Who never failed before they tried? Who didn't fail before they succeed?
When we look into the future today, we must remember the obstacles and failures we overcame, and we must imagine no salvation comes without the earnestness of sincere effort. Although so far we have come, we could suppose there is much more distance to go and believe the destination was already near. We must recall that no conflict was never resolved, but that peace had always come with a price. Victory had always been ours who believe in freedom and independence and liberty. We must take pride that we had never been alone as individuals but had always drawn strength in each other. We must remember truth and freedom we have always won.
By what exact efforts we can only vaguely remember and so we must now know for ourselves everything we have built are the evidence and hard proof of the persistent victories. Intelligence had always meant much much more than war and conflict - it had been even greater than the circumvention of conflicts.
In our times we have seen the miracle of birth, the growth of our children, the erection of schools, the discoveries by science, the enduring faith. Our information age has expanded our minds and exposed our minds to unusual and great things of Nature. We have had our minds blown. It was beyond surprise, but it was only an instant. There are great things ahead. I said, it is a long road ahead, my friend said it is a beautiful Future.
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