Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Regarding The Recovery_

 -learn from the best:






It has always been of our history to make attempts from the bottom up or from each ourselves and our communities.  Some of the above cases, the general companies, were built from not only innovation of procedures and collection of resources, but also in the collection of efforts which were initially distributed.  The cooperative nature of early corporations gives a great lesson in how efforts always begin locally and in how our needs are often the same despite geographical distance.  What new technologies we have developed in the past two and half decades must not merely distract us, but it should augment and transform our ability to organize ourselves, our capital, our techniques, and our procedures.  

Some efforts are so unique that later we find them to be entrepreneurial.  The initial motivation was not so much to attain some coveted title as "entrepreneur": indeed, the title was never there in the beginning.  It was only later we noticed some small businesses that grew to great proportions had actually started with one or two persons with an idea, or in a garage with barely enough heat.  All ideas are good ideas because they rose from the depths of creativity, from the deeper awareness of conditions observed on the outside reality shared with other people.  Some ideas are great ideas, perhaps, but in each case, each idea is grown not by force but through passion and belief.

There exists at certain times institutions so extraordinary and so thoroughly American that later we look back in wonder.  In such organizations, history is collapsed into the present moment of action, and is compounded with the purity of creativity and innovation, with the dedication of a million, yet run by only a handful whose lives are entirely infused with their work.  Their visions are unusual in that they seem to not only indicate the future, but is itself the future.  In such a heightened state of inspiration and dedication, works are pursued with a single-mindedness despite the multiplicity of individuals.

What would be the organization of leadership today?  There are many and they are multiple in vision, means, method, and direction.  Who would be willing to recognize their leadership and voice their support?  Decades ago, America experienced a golden age, filled with hope and creativity, with music and colors, with innovation and fulfillment.  This is no opportunity to lament the loss of the past, but rather, to celebrate it as a part of our history, to review the particulars, and discover in what now at this present we must advance.  This is too a golden age.  In time, we will look back and marvel, having all but forgotten any hardship and obstacle, remembering only the joy and delight we had all taken in the celebration of openness, freedom, and ecstasy of communication.

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