The era of insularity of information due to distant location is over, we hope.
What differences are possible now amongst ourselves in our own lands in the era of information. No longer confined to the seventy-channel television and three or four news networks, we are free to collect our own feeds and lines of news, of groundbreaking work in arts, sciences, philanthropy, environment, technology - all from the very edge of the world we make. From one sphere of human activity we have reached out and found other spheres, equally intriguing if different from our own; meanwhile, our own sphere has expanded and multiplied. Through the dream of discovery, we have too found each other.
For the fruits and products from other lands, we are blessed and should be thankful. Our own industry will remain strong, we must first believe, to find the strength in ourselves to reach within and draw from our experiences and intelligence that inspiration.
To reach forward in time takes courage in deed. It takes thought, careful thought, and strength of character to make all attempts necessary. Through the act new grounds are discovered. Who never failed before they tried? Who didn't fail before they succeed?
When we look into the future today, we must remember the obstacles and failures we overcame, and we must imagine no salvation comes without the earnestness of sincere effort. Although so far we have come, we could suppose there is much more distance to go and believe the destination was already near. We must recall that no conflict was never resolved, but that peace had always come with a price. Victory had always been ours who believe in freedom and independence and liberty. We must take pride that we had never been alone as individuals but had always drawn strength in each other. We must remember truth and freedom we have always won.
By what exact efforts we can only vaguely remember and so we must now know for ourselves everything we have built are the evidence and hard proof of the persistent victories. Intelligence had always meant much much more than war and conflict - it had been even greater than the circumvention of conflicts.
In our times we have seen the miracle of birth, the growth of our children, the erection of schools, the discoveries by science, the enduring faith. Our information age has expanded our minds and exposed our minds to unusual and great things of Nature. We have had our minds blown. It was beyond surprise, but it was only an instant. There are great things ahead. I said, it is a long road ahead, my friend said it is a beautiful Future.
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