Friday, March 3, 2023

 Whether identity is owned of course had been a subject of interest lately. More and more we see famous people appearing in many faces, in magazines, in newspapers, on the web.  Of what could be said about this?  It sometimes hark back to the earliest intention.  Where it is shared by the originator, willingly, willfully, there is something shared between those who share an identity.  It is like work held in common, for the understanding is to be had that the identity is being created and made together.

Lately, increasingly, the concerns have been raised, not so much in public media that minds so much and so much, but amongst people who discovered themselves in conflict.  It appears that most cases of identity appropriation do not begin in trust and common interest. Perhaps more significantly, it does not have the outcome of shared work.

We cannot look at this type of actualities as one that should be dealt with with vengeance.  Yet, where it becomes known as a crime, in the particulars of an incidence, we should still examine what had been made in that which we would so early call theft.

There is such a thing as a common future.  It may require us to look very far away, into the future, and ask us to forcefully imagine that future in common, which is ours together.  This is a reality in the event of conflict we have yet to understand completely.  In a fight, perhaps a friendship and trust could be discovered. Something is known through that rare interactive quality.  While oftentimes we must seek collaboration, too in these times of conflict, we must seek cooperation in any interaction.

Yesterday, life seemed so good.  It was so easy, and everything was so conducive to leisure and rest.  Of course, it is a good memory.  It was good, and it could be that way again.  So this is a period where something known by those before is becoming known to us young generations.  If we imagined that history is as clean as its books, and no blood ever shed on our soils, we are not innocent but ignorant.

To imagine tomorrow, we must learn to hold close that dream that has been what kept us together all these centuries.  We must hold it close like a secret that we should tell a lover when they are sleeping.  We must know in the trust we build with each other, we need not talk about it incessantly, or even at all.  There are sometimes contradictions in what we do and say over time, but where together we know the goal, we must not be Scrooch that will not part with a biscuit or a drink.  We must grow bold, in our venture, to make a great leap into the future.

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  "leap" That strenuous is like a variable in an equation. The bar to hop over is   too great, sometimes that is true yet without ...