Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Wherein Is Found

 In any case something happens when you least expect it because the way to happiness is no straight line.  Moving from one point to another there is no sense in reveling forever perpetually in the straightness of the line and the shortness of the time unless there were the focus or if a mathematical universe were being contemplated.  The times between one act and an outcome are very much nevertheless, because unknowable are all the universes infinitesimally placed within alongside the one one did travel through.  That is, the reality one knows by having just experienced it excludes to a much extent all the other realities possible.

The thought of being together, which brings happiness to some and many, is along this principle as well.  In the moments that were shared are commonalities and too differences that draw happiness when the disposition is just so to receive happiness.  Unexpectedly such a moment of agreement and just a minute of disagreement has brought us to a point of coincidence, that instance of coinciding.  We do not draw from one another in some inexplicably greedy way, but draw from being individuals coinciding in a dimension just drawn out and then recognizing that we are at a place together that moves us to a general contentment.

Still without the consideration that happiness is like a quality to a state of mind, or one common to many states of mind, that happiness may prove elusive to consciousness.  We are happy now and unhappy then, but from one moment to another moment our being has drawn from already changed circumstances, at least somewhat.  How such circumstances, then becoming a momentary world, has transformed so much has changed that situates our being.  Yet, to notice and to note each minute of change just requires yet more than our everyday could muster; if true, then without believing in happiness, there is little chance of its recognition in the day to day.

Suppose there is a thing one desires, it is beheld then now, then later, but already in the beholding one has had it in one's holding.  It being unknown desire reaches out and overreaches and never arrives and happiness has eluded oneself.  Having had held it now and then again and again being known desire has been sated and chances have appeared again and again to recognize one is happy.  So it is.

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