Thursday, March 24, 2022


 What is the state in which one cannot take another step?  To presuppose life goes on whether we believe that it does so after one's own passing, whether from a place specifically, or from a place and time indefinitely - so much remains in the void of absolute knowledge.  So life always goes on, we pray it is true.  When there seems no further step, there is one more.  It is so promised by so many who had gone and seen that tunnel at whose terminus was only light and bliss and certain happiness not to be denied.  Whereupon fear comes upon us, this was never that moment.  There were more, it turned out, in the material world we are searching for, more we can live for, more we can make and create.

If these were dark times, the lights and the darks are intermittent.  Here a shadow, here a light yellow shadow, here an orange glow, there the radiance of the sun.  In the reflectance of the blue and pale silvery moon we contemplate.  We contemplate the moment, we contemplate the joys; we contemplate the pain and the darkness, we contemplate that we made a step there.  How often does the moon rise, nearly everyday.  How often the twilight, every night it beams a million light beams from infinitely and indefinitely far away, here we know we are for the light shines always so we shall never be in darkness.

I thought, here is my journey.  I envisioned a path, sometimes made of concrete, sometimes made of sand, with a scattering of pebbles, each so perfect and beautiful to behold, a moment of its own of the infinite universe that shall forever glow.

This path, I thought was my own.  This was a path, mostly narrow, I tread this path with certainty and pride that it is my own.  

I imagined other people with other paths, and our paths shall intersect now and again.  I was informed this was a lonely way.  It is uncertain how one's path and others' paths intersect and know each other, by what not visceral contact do we find union and communion with what is.  We tread as carefully as possible, and we move as boldly as possible, into the future.  I say, into the Future.

There is a sense we should have our paths together, where we share our intimate depths and so we erect the sanctuaries and the holds where we can share a meal, share a walk, share a dance, share a thought.  On the networks bright and lit to the mind's eye is a space like the infinitude of the universe where we shall posit forms of our own making, be it in words or pictures, in animations or still photographs.

So our paths find many dimensions, some still and always moving.  We are in motion and we are still, for we are here but not just in one place local to what we remember.  We are in many places, in relativity with each other and all the forms we erect for each other.  The dream exists in a space that bears no name nor signature, only silence in which all symphonies of life breathing talking singing dancing they are all found.

So we found ourselves, here, this unreal yet entirely actual space where we shall know each other and find our friendships and trust where they happen, where I sit today, and where you are reading, we are together.  First now, later then, and then always my friends.

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