Due drastic nature of the Scale against the favor of the popular nation, the Nation’s favor, and the future of this Nation, this letter is my call that even the most treasured of intellect and intuition be held in the highest regard and respect find those too by these qualities, so that the Real Big News about what we are as a Nation, but now too, what enemies have imagined themselves to be, not as a nation, not as a people, not even as a group. Not as a nation could they perceive us, for not from the same have they come, erroneous had our findings likely been. They know nought of what we are, what we stand for, what we have lived through in the centuries since we had landed and the times through which we have settled. Through the centuries of solitude surrounded by what but Raw Nature they know of not, they had no idea. In all these times through even poverty had our strife been, believing only we have been right and true to ourselves and all those before, it is our Birthright, this is the belief upon our values that have held ourselves each in place and time with one another, with our values true and bright, as by every American.
The emerging conflicts and the coming conflicts are not one and the same: that one and the other could both find no name, no explanation, no understanding, for they had bore no declaration, no information, nor even name to announce nor explain. From whence, how whither, why now, how so. What understanding is there is none, for they had come urged upon the flimsiness of missing information and corrupted government, so now as they approach, we had to sadly declare to ourselves by a whisper that no understanding could be possible for what struggle we own, that this is as the deed again for our birthright.
Across that void that is the oceans, the emergent Conflict had begun a century ago though in a fantasia, a tragic song, foreign, of the pain of decades and lasting more than two centuries amassing then and then what go, but that this spelled itself to be full, yet then but of nothing that every American could recognize as American: fiction had remained foreign to all of those, they had viewed our literature media as expressions of ignorance and greed, whereupon we reflected and were reminded blankly that it was only of intelligence, strength, and courage, this from our media from our birth and culture did grant us Free Speech. These depictions of and for ourselves lost to the struggle and competition in lands where fighting persisted and people falling (like beasts). To enter the world called America, a land of these of Us, who in Everyday do challenge ourselves and are challenged, to rise, to lift, to heights where the Grandeur of Heroes and Citizens all these times before did stand, just so to uphold What This Nation Is, before those who will by their memory Recall, and before those who were who did detest.
Against what but seeming waves to signal departures from our values elsewhere discovered away from our homeland, for that call that appears from nowhere, by nobody, away from lands and peoples appearing and disappearing from Nowhere, and then some feeling of shame of what we had yet to know, what had been chosen Here at home, that here to dwell, that here we shall stay and make home, so that declared nowhere these sentiments were not brought, but had been brewing by the shallows of the darks, between smoke stacks, and behind alleys which could no longer reach eyes… So erroneous did our findings make us wonder who we are today in this year at this age in what place, on a planet.
It is by what we ourselves only know, for it is from where we had come we did come together, and knowing what we do know is what we had come to know through centuries, through solitude, through Raw Nature, then through poverty itself did we strife upon having little but those moments of memory, values, and beliefs that the dream to manifest our destiny realize. These years have come to no error, as we have come to that understanding, so so much could be reached and so so much could find resolution, and this little to love, and finally even one then to peace in our circle each.
But through the decades two and almost three, in all these years did we Resist Peacefully, yet what ends were found but the sadness of losses of our deeper profoundly integral selves, of those we loved and continue to love, and that bare naked life itself, it was me myself. In what did the enemy find in our shows of deep peace, compassion, and friendship, in the years in which Endurance and Strength by the Dream and Belief, by our values, our uncles, our senators, our presidents, in their words and our actions, weakness.
Weakness how? But assuming. That no means were we ignorant of yesterday, that misunderstanding had had been. So to spare the Sunday suit and dress for attendance, it was possible. Asserting, no. That for activity of and relating to dominance we had delimited to our civil courts of attendance, it was them who were ignorant. That work of mind and physical labor upon tradition built sophistication that no other could claim by a copy of style or content, that was amiss then too.
When now. What how. How could we ever rest again, after all these decades of peaceful resistance, tilled and culled from the blood and sweat of our Newer yet Utopian Society where every avenue of compromise and resolution did try, was sought laboriously then through every single dimension we know.
Poised before our times is the historical moment so prominent in the history tomorrow told, were this Nation, this People, and then now of the scale actually spoken of, the very celestial body of the planet Earth, of which none but us of the Allies do know, whose existence remains unbeknownst to those outside our nation and our Allies - to survive. This here now time is the Time in which the Decision will have been made. Between the speeches of leaves whispering is the whimper of mounting clouds speaking of unspeakable danger but from whence, yet for the indefinite encounter with what exists as a pond’s image - that which is the foreign, the power there over there which we had thought, erroneously, were like us.
Bound by centuries of commitment,
To Freedom and achieved Knowledge, in the
Citizen’s life in a Democracy, in the
full light of responsibility that holds Each of Us
True to the Nation, and Further.
To be autonomous as human beings responsible to life’s True values, to
hold steadfast to the Truth of our being
Human, who should One Day be Free as our Fathers have become, to wrest away those tendencies of youth identifying in us in our early immaturity as like that which were lesser; this we know in the look in our brothers’ eyes, in the touch of our sister’s hand, in our mother’s worry and our fathers’ foil.
But who have come? What reduced itself to a perpetuating question of habit. What had been missed in that the ugly and inhuman ought to be pushed aside by sheer distaste. What made pain - and what dared to translate to precious metal the legal currency in tender of legal coinage to be shipped away from these lands. That such was of little news is of our own responsibility to bear. Then not but simple joke sadly told: all we have we have made for the secured future for our People, and all tomorrows yet belonging to our children and grandchildren. Were then to be written in pieces and fragments what is unimaginable and what could be created by citizen and community and all these of us by each and every who have abided by the laws and customs of Our Nation. This Nation did find itself in the making: born of centuries of toil and creative imagination, who came only after the trials by those we loved and who loved us, then only then, to find a new world never before as possible!
The Order of the world is the harmony of the Cosmos withdrawn with something added and nothing canceled. What for unknown remains the mystery of the elusive, like sails falling below the horizon we on the shore refuse to drop below the nobility of human nature. That our companies of men under the leadership of kings did find the premise driving into the probable for the affected world guarded by law for engagement to battle was that birth to which all countries believing in the state of peace across worlds all over this blue green Planet could each by strife reach that once impossible Dream of rightful nation amongst all nations and worlds. This new world is discovered real by the records of blood and ink where no violence by illegal invasion could stand for time called millenia.
That ‘enemy’ did no longer exist except in smaller localized cases of emergency and exception is that Seal of Trust instated for active Reason for hopeful co-existence. To never again find something in ourselves that is lesser to override the sanity for centuries cultivated, nor quiver over being small and terrified of what monument in stone and brck had been raised by strongs of tens of thousands, so to not be submitted by nonshows urges to destroy what is more than just myself - this is the inheritance our people in America shall recall to our hearts and actions, but not whimper and be silenced by that which we once called “evil”. What is Invasion, to our utopia. How many, and how much destroyed - these questions are those first moments when the mind does rise to the occasion to Reflect before the obscure terrors could find themsleves rooted in our own soils to invade by night we in our childhood could not imagine.
If our utopia was born in the imagination for our own lives to be rich, with material and honor, and peace be founded in these was before, the question still lingers. Perhaps too urgently by frank admission of Intelligence, whereupon in our being human do we discover the strength to not only resist and die, but then rather to mind over and know, not only of that which the enemy wills to be mighty, but that this time in history, this blood mine to shed, by that this nation by toil wrought in minutes stretched to centuries should be salvaged for immediate and complete recovery as by that activity to prepare for that case where DIPLOMATICCONVERSATION asking for civil action to withdraw should fail or succeed by what means could be recommended. From our Utopia not so easily rising, but for all our friends and our beings before, should find courage to stand and fight, should that day come. None shall fall forgotten such as to follow the moment our friends and ourselves each standing together, and know what was known to those before
Ann (Ati)
August 19, 2023.