That Prepared We Shall Go
1. Reviewing these public opinions amongst these of ours who opine rather than ride those waves in these recent decades, passing as though through a mere moment, when greatness in heroism became reduced to an other which raised in us not much but a few signals amidst the works we must continue to engage with one another, we come to realize what costs have been to our determinations. What price has to be paid for acting before knowledge, before verifying and checking those old records of history, when we have yet again, or for the first time here, made a situation that as though from those who regarded respect with not at all. Away from the glorious years when we in our own lands have bore the relief and celebration of relegating the raising of stakes to a time more secure. It is in our adolescence in the ages of civilization that we have assumed that golden times shall last from youth to age, and rather be the fruits of the labor we lend to the world we would have built. So then it was that the years of sun and shine did transition into years when uncertainty presents itself, now seemingly grounding us to our utmost tolerance, yet to our absolute it has yet to so.
2. Quite the resolute and happy return into the lesser affairs, which did become the reality's cornerstones in each our lives, such as job, family, friends, goods of commerce, and services of our neighborhoods, such that the values which had founded us within the heights of our greater heroes in history did dampen and become grey. Away from the lean resolution of doing much with what we have, we did in others' eyes become rich to our own. Between the definitions of day and night lie a routine that did bore, however without those moments of sunlight and rain, without those of smile and yearning, upon the rhythms of the wonderful lives which finally came of those protests and labors before, we found such like slumber others regarded us less. Yet, the truth of raising our hope to that of the American Dream is to find that, yes, we are still situated within the world we have built, not yet for sure those years next year will bring. That not fully knowing the future was known to be not more than how most did know, perhaps in the years of wars before not but talk but actions in face of challenges each never did see.
3. How favorable we are to each other as neighbor and friend should calm our anger in these moments when stress and uncertainty started to reign.
4. The contentment in yesteryears could not hold against what yet could come tomorrow - but what is beyond this what we Americans had known in the past century, that some events did unfold had alarmed us not enough. The slow propagation of the news has distressed a few, but the telephone has awaited the utility to reach those we know, to find the news to what but draw the communities together. Strength came from within but too upon that we together shall strive, so silently, again and again, to discover what plateau of stability so this land could hold so strong, that no intrusion could overcome the state of law.
5. We did not remember yesterday that what we rarely name as like this which is ours, the modern, it did get uptaken into an other's country. Now is no time to leave the matter to the characters on television, but reach for the resolve so intrinsic, and call the facts as they stand, in how they did and did not conform to our society's peace. Our age has been this long, but only a momentous raising by another's presumption. We must stand now to find our strong, as city, region, and nations together.
6. For without that regard for the differences proven in history, our surprise at visiting a foreign land had drawn alarm. While place for conversation remains The New World's hope, as no force could be found without a general, no general without reason, so senseless fighting could not be known beforehand by past experience, then this mode of action against oncoming threat could yet accomplish some. Perhaps delay, or dialog, or discovery of differences amidst that rare common principle, for peace itself was yearned for by us by so long as eons. Peace could yet find us home.
7. Exception could not be written off as a field in which petty gains should lose that which we have held, but not without reason should we proceed. If inform what enemy we must of the law, these meanings of law that hold inter-nation for eight decades now still require the discernment of where the moment is understanding could lie. To exit those biggest threats should be all our fare of the day, for knowing of conflicts we all nations do; yet, what conflicts emerged tomorrow did not yet happen yesterday, so in the present now, those minutes and this motion must reach goal. We in America do reach out, to seek to know what was thought by other nations, and where options lay. And again, no terror should hold us paralyzed, for throughout history, civilization did triumph everytime. Our friendship not yet faded, but the time of nations should bring us alliance. Standing guard and moving forward in rounding down chaos not bounded by the courts and law - these should be justified by the best behavior. However not less is that standing guard requires our readiness to act, to defend our country and our loved ones could yet find idea amongst us all.
8. The invitation for the adjoining as together found acceptance by some since middle last century, however structure in order providing for all never did promise itself as a guarantee and so disappointed ones ask us what price is peace. But that peace itself is the price's own gain, more and infinitely greater the brotherhood of men, that together by the highest moral and greatest strength should endure what unknown yet today next year could bring. That friendship could not exists as blood bond between such as nations finds truth that no city was built in a day. To defend our architecture in all societies' make is the secret to how to stay the war so that no ejection from the course by reason, however smaller than the world itself.
9. Fast we must move today, to leave behind the pettier mundanities, of such and such a difference, or this or that transactional loss, so that we together as Americans, and friends, as a people shall stand, against what but what poor future that was some past that was never, and not even since the times when we had live in caves, would we force the planet and all its people to suffer by ignoring what we should not know. Knowledge of destruction rarely raised, but to overcome, in each our own lands, we must find our basis in ethical respect, however recognize that where destruction were not just, to act from our own volition by view of our organizings, so that each our own place we could defend, and above the few misunderstandings detour from disaster.
10. In the civil world in each our lands, we should find that all must continue, however that discovery yet known, of what could motion here, and what changed there, towards the objective that while national diplomacy amongst other nations could, meanwhile this here we ourselves must find our common ground and reach the stable, so next year we are ready to fight for peace.
11. The appreciation for the differences of the foreign must now find scope so that we bring ourselves to the present for that tomorrow come, should it be a year or five years, or last week, within each our own purview that which held for all times this nation, America, has stood, the call is here made to find the links of coordinated communication where we can be sure that when he or she with rationality speak, we should call one another to attention, and prepare our own, to associate and not to exit our vicinities where each by each can together stand. It is this land here, where these values, rights, and privileges contracted from a raw land on which society lodges, where what conflict should dock and advance the account be found, after and before or as while our defenses hold. For deaths of those we love could not be forgotten, however, what really did transpire had done so for so many decades, yet still so many did escape from attention here to defend family and friends, who are all those known to us, by so many years.
12. In respect we shall find account of what beings have come, and perhaps in time we will come to know, just from what sphere of being that not against us they were, yet conflict did drive them forward as they themselves in gains drove themselves forward, and forget the price of peace. No strange thing that incidental conflicts could emerge, from some difference fights did always break. The true account is owed to us by ourselves, not by a organization solely nor by one person in position by government, but by all of us later we must find, but in today when some line had shivered between fragmented signals, we must be in this moment in history regard that which we wish not to know when we were lounging in the delight of being only our own. That horizon we on this land behold together, so that we could together behold what risks are above our heads, and believe that rules of engagement should rule us, so that the ruling by common law could find who is just, and who could fit to be our allies. On the horizon is something that yet now is held in haze: peace is our ultimate objective. Peace is the objective for the dream is to build a nation in respect, love, and works. The future should hold, longstanding!
13. There is something to believe in for there is something to fight for. Who will join and who will order, so that falsehoods could not recruit, and so that engagement is undertaken with respect for self and nation. We shall not be lost to insanity or sorrow, from knowing in abiding to the laws and by all attempts could hold our conscience.
14. The call today is to find those lines, and know when now and who then had drawn us close to conflict and whether each is just. The worry today is that in some time that fronts would form which must be stayed, whether through diplomacy and converation or proportion and measure is not yet known as per that no enemy existed understanding actually of what forwarded if horrific, but rather than inertia and momentum of unjust talk and gross misunderstandings have led some wandering towards disruption. It is peace in which order is established: order is found when wars are stayed, that tomorrows are more few could misunderstand. In respect even at war we must elevate ourselves - it is the thought of peace we all now house, and by this time it is the moment to find preparation for emergency.
15. From the thought of order, and order we have known by our livelihoods, and from the thought of peace, which in all tomorrows founded, from order and peace we in America must will the fortune of the New World now in our hands.
Ann Lee
July 15, 2023. 14:55 MT.