Thursday, February 2, 2023

 Of all societal goods, all of which bear fruit periodically with great works and are celebrated, perhaps the one most recognized in the nation we have built is one that had taken the most idealistic efforts all through the times of our civilization. To recall, we say, we are our parents, our grandparents, our great grandparents, our great great grandparents, and all our ancestors whose blood and toil in the fight for this societal good they did cover and withdraw from our memory. Letters and revolutions, doctrines of principles and revelation of circumstances and conditions, the perpetual support of all the women who stood beside in support and assembled in silence upon their own memories and ways, it is the creation which still continues today of the civic that encloses carefully the civilian sphere. 

The civilian sphere upheld by the civic is no ordinary thing, object, or commodity. It is no machine, no automata, no miraculous object given by predestination. The history of how it has been raised should be examined, even if the entire neo-Babylonian library will not hold within itself but a fraction of what truly happened.  Although each of us has accustomed ourselves well within this sphere, we from within oftentimes do not have an overview of this complicated reality though we must muster the rationality to recognize because we with each of our history and our common history exist within this architecture.

Our intuition shall guide us to discover in our unconscious memory accumulated over centuries and centuries the strength that shall guide us in our tracks and our efforts.  We are this number strong, and we are this nation strong. Yes it is true. We may not be of the number of all those before us combined, but certainly, in our soul and spirit we carry them as they carry us, over the impossible pass into the future we have been making. The civic includes not only this elected government, that municipal department, this police branch, that fire department, this school, that hospital. The civic exists because it is a reality we partake in creating. Its repository has in it all the skills and knowledge we as individuals have accumulated, and all the missions and protocols we as organizations have pushed for and participated in.

It is known now today that we have stepped into a scenario as a nation for which preparations were not made properly. This is no failure, but simply a new circumstance that requires our response.  This now must be taken on in stride.  Doubt is the first creep that challenges us as human beings.  To give in is to relegate the memories of our predecessors.  We are not so feeble a people.  I argue here for the strengthening of the civic by the efforts of the civilian sphere.  We are no innocents to standing up and putting up a fight.  This is presumed.  The civilian sphere is not made of complex structures.  It is held up by organizations like hospitals and police stations that operate by simple principles.  It is upheld by a democratic people whose constitution is of citizens with repertoires of skills and knowledge.  Never was it made by greed and ambition.  

Where we must keep our principality running, we must subscribe to more than offered, and believe that we are capable of adding to the sum that stands and pushes for the outcome.  Literature is no single stroke of genius, but the culmination of societal consciousness, elevated by a person of unusual intellect, and so much literature there is.  It is proof we have come this far.  We are proof we have come this far.  We must seek order to create order.  It is no abstract thing, order.  We organize our households and our companies, as we organize protective forces and government.  We have ordered here this, so we will organize ourselves to order now this.

Let us not forget those who ceded to us, not out of defeat, but of memory of success and patriotism.  Who has accomplished that which we have not, we must ask ourselves.  We must reach out and seek that which eludes us, in those who are not too proud to help us, in those who offer in silence that which we need. No next objective could be given in this comment here, for that you must discover by yourself and in your community.  Means too must be discovered and utilized along the way.  Recognize those who contributed, and carry those who are injured.  The civilian sphere must remain standing - this is the reason for this post.

  "leap" That strenuous is like a variable in an equation. The bar to hop over is   too great, sometimes that is true yet without ...