In times of great dangers, we are not without hope. What sail did rise even though the winds were turbulent was never lost to the wisps of time, but retained deep underneath the superficial and pleasant, the old and the tattered. When winds turn was known already held within that which is held by each hand yet in common they have prevailed. Whither this way and that way was the ship that tipped and toiled, the crew could not think of anything else but to hold together that fragile thing which holds all their bodies and minds above the immeasurable opacity that surrounded them to infinity.
Truth never did sympathize with the wicked but was hard and strong who will not yield to any but the gentlest intention. Mobs never did threaten Truth for Truth stands proud against the turmoils thrown from every which way. If Truth were merely mortal, our kind never would have stood a chance, but Truth looks at us now from the unknown pedestal in the sky, kindly and respectfully, and demands nothing.
Our forefathers seem to us silent, but behind us they stand. They perceive us, and understand our timidity and weaknesses, and smile. They wonder, when will we recall them so they may lend us their strength. They are not statues, certainly no beautiful sculpture lost in the attic, but their spirits ask us, why don't you stand tall and lend yourself to action when your country like us stand silently behind you.
We have not done our duty. This admission we must make. Nobody has asked us what we are made of, and perhaps, nobody will, unless you too are a body and ask it of yourself. Our dream is no television commercial made already for it sells us nothing. Our dream has not been for the sake of dreaming, that is no nation's vision and collective power. Our dream has this which is everything we have ever done and strived for, and everything we shall make in this race to create ourselves out of nothing.
Everything is not nothing, though no metal holding memory shall ever understand. There is no toil in comfort as there is no freedom in a cell. There is no intellect in a bacteria though intelligence pervade all noble human beings. Even if nobody ever asked us what we are willing to give to secure all our tomorrows we should ask ourselves this. We must be willing to demand more than we can give from ourselves for a country is no well fare state but a continuing constitution by its citizenry of which we are. If nobody asks us who we are, does that mean that means nothing. If nobody pays market salaries does that mean we are couch potatoes. Of all that has been created that is shown to all the world, what have you done?