The hardships. We know them, from our grandfathers, our mothers, our friends, our brothers, and ourselves. We find hardships now and again, and then now, there are hardships upon those we love, secretively, openly, with open arms and embrace, dimly, by eye contact, on the subway, at the hospital, at school, in the office building, at the parks. Hardship cannot be avoided in life, so it is. It is upon us now and then, and now again. Who are we, we must ask ourselves. We must in life endure, even if it is on a thread, or over a crevasse, we must leap, and jump, and hold still, and sprint. In hardship we must reach out on every channel we know, speak the truth to those who wish to hear, and even those who cannot bear the truth we must speak the truth for deep down in the depths of our soul we are thirsty for the truth that can bear all that we endure.
For a moment we feel free when we give word and expression to that we fear, and in another moment we are afraid, afraid we said too much, afraid we had affected too little, or too much. There is little reason in times that threaten to over-spill, as though we were treading up a rocky hill with a full bucket of fresh precious water we must save to save those around us and ourselves. Yet is it not true that we must even in these hard to tread paths make another step, and then another, and another? This is the true experience of hardship. We endure together, as we bear the burden of the bucket of water, together. So we can enjoy each drop, later, when it is time, right, to savor that from which life springs.
We cannot be afraid of each little word we utter, or let some loose word uttered by another pierce at our hearts. We have greater potential than that cartoon heart, for our heart is strong and full, our souls are expressed outside everywhere, and still it inheres in each of us, so let each precious drop of water instill another great moment of life that should spread throughout our soul.
We are strong, for we are brave. We are brave first, for we have braved much. Not so much that others should see, let alone understand, but we have braved frontiers, and notions, and experiments, and life's each trial - we let our minds wander the great virtual space of mind, it is called free thought; we let our speech carefully speak of that which we created carefully, to say with care, it is called free speech. We run our enterprises as though tomorrow existed, but in reality we have created those realities of tomorrows for each other, so we may choose. So many live in the worlds we create, yet know little of what bravery it has taken to tread so many miles in solitude, or with few companions, until something small could take root, and grow.
If we can be brave in how we created tomorrows' worlds, why can't we be brave again against that oddity called confusion. It is a confusion of mind, a confusion of intent, a confusion of methods, a confusion of thought, and a confusion of expression. There is as though no meaning to all we created, and that is the evil against which we fight. We must resist and rebel against the currents of meaninglessness, in the fortitude of our certainty that they live in the world we have made. We made this world for ourselves and we have made this world for them too. If they may not see, they shall not see the light rended worlds we created by pure will and force of mind and then the various efforts extended at length, and that would be a tragedy indeed. What can we do, but brave that barrier of the uncommunicating, that barrier of misunderstanding, that barrier of meaninglessness.
We are strong, for we are brave. We can brave these fronts, and we can exercise our intellects and our capacities for communication and organization. We can brave these fronts, for we can resist, with our words and our laws, brave ourselves against the voids of meaning, the barrages of blunt force. We have law and we have order. We cannot be timid especially amongst ourselves. We must speak the truth to one another, and in contemplation and deliberation mind those small details of the hows and whats. There is no one size fits all template here on this continent, for not only are we strong and brave, we are free. We will not succumb, this I promise, to any incoherent nor irrational modes of actions, but for what we have in societal order already, this should be enough. It is time to call into our offices formal and informal and push back on what unexamined forces that have rended wreckages to our gates which keep our fences against the unusual. We must brave against what unusual that threatens to remove us from our elevated planes of freedom, strength, and bravery.